Julia Riede

Medical student with a PhD in nuclear engineering.


36th Chaos Communication Congress

I'm a nuclear physicist with a PhD in nuclear engineering and 10 years of experience in radiation protection, nuclear instrumentation, reactor engineering, and disaster relief. Spent a month in Chornobyle in 2005 during a summer school on post-accidential radiation monitoring techniques and have been deployed to Japan after the Fukushima accident in 2011 to work on radiation monitoring and civil protection for the Austrian government. Worked as an engineer in the energy sector (nuclear and offshore wind) 2011-2014 and quit my job for various reasons including irresponsible company decisions regarding nuclear safety in ongoing reactor erection. Had a sabbatical 2014-2015, then decided to apply for a place in medical school and got in. Since 2015, I'm studying medicine in Regensburg. Expect to achieve approbation as a medical doctor in 2022.


150.3 wpm
942.5 spm
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