Engineer in electronics and computer science, Yann Allain is an Entrepreneur, so called “cybersecurity expert” but who knows that he does not know everything. He is interested in the model “Do It Yourself”. he has founded Opale Security in 2008, and created one of the world’s leading IoT vulnerability research team before being acquired by a larger group in 2016. He has been working in the security industry for 25 years. His past activities were related to software security and hardware security . He was the leader of the Hardsploit Project. Yann speaks as a lecturer and trainer all over the world (Blackhat USA, Blackhat Europe, Hack In the box Amsterdam, TedX, Hack In Paris & more ...). At night, he hacked into old computers and work on subjects normally “reserved” for academics ... like quantum computing or Bio Hacking and many other things ... Yann has a new project: He build his own Quantum computers based on Trapped Ions technology at NextGenQ (his new company) inside is high tech military grade...garage.


36th Chaos Communication Congress
Hardware & Making


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