
Reader in Computing & Human-Data Interaction in the Department of Computer Science & Technology, Cambridge University, UK. Occasional consultant, startup founder, and engineer. I enjoy mixing systems, networking and human-computer interaction in research.


36th Chaos Communication Congress
Resilience & Sustainability

Richard Mortier is the Reader in Computing and Human-Data Interaction in the Systems Research Group of the University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science & Technology (aka The Computer Laboratory). His past research has included work on Internet routing stability, distributed system performance analysis, network management, massively scalable databases, aesthetic designable machine-readable codes, and home network usability and security. He mixes systems with HCI, seeking to build user-centric systems infrastructure to enable Human-Data Interaction in our ubiquitous computing world. He also consults, provides technical patent expertise, and engages in creation and early stage delivery in startup companies with recent examples including Unikernel Systems (acquired by Docker Inc. in 2016) and Kvasir Analytics Limited. For more see


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