Michiel Leenaars

<p>Michiel Leenaars (1972, Netherlands) is Director of Strategy at NLnet. He currently also leads <a href="/discovery">NGI Zero Discovery</a> and <a href="/PET">NGI Zero PET</a>, part of the <a href="https://ngi.eu">Next Generation Internet</a> initiative. Michiel Leenaars combines his job at NLnet with a job as director of <a href="http://isoc.nl" class="external" target="_blank">Internet Society Netherlands</A>, one of the more sizable <a href="http://internetsociety.org" class="external" target="_blank">Internet Society</A> chapters in the world. He is also a W3C liason officer for the <a href="http://w3c.nl" class="external" target="_blank">Benelux Office</a> of the <a href="http://w3.org" class="external" target="_blank">World Wide Web Consortium</a>.</p>


36th Chaos Communication Congress


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