David Kriesel

David is computer scientist with a passion for biology and social insects. In real life, he works as a Data Science and Machine Learning professional. Occasionally, David presents small hobby projects at Chaos Communication Congress - for example he gave talks on the Xerox Scanning Bug and "SpiegelMining", a DataScience analysis of a German mass media portal.


36th Chaos Communication Congress, 33. Chaos Communication Congress, 31. Chaos Communication Congress

In computer science, especially the biology inspired topics like neurocomputation, machine learning, text mining and swarm behavior make his day; He also wrote a 250p ebook („A Brief Introduction To Neural Networks“) which he made available for free at his home page in German and English language. David studied in Bonn, Germany, where he also lived for nearly ten years; further living places include Brussels and Ithaca, New York (the latter because of a research stay at Cornell University).


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