projects range from large-scale projections on buildings, intimate performances in deconsecrated churches to outdoors virtual reality events. Recent projects have shown at FACT Liverpool, Brighton Digital Festival, London’s Science Museum, SCANZ 2013, Nimes 2016 and on the streets of Paris during ArtCOP21. Kate is working on a practice-based PHD at the University of Sussex, researching emotions, sensing and virtual reality with joint supervision from the School of Media and the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science. This research draws on both indigenous understandings and neuroscience research into how we feel the environment around us. Inspired by cybernetics and ecological thinking, she collaborates across disciplines, bringing in diverse perspectives - from dance to architecture, magic to neuroscience, anthropology to physics - to feel out alternatives on the horizon. runs open labs and research, public events and workshops, exhibitions and AV happenings on the potentials that improvisation, creative technologies and open source culture have for transforming how we sense, communicate and receive information.
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