<p>Zenna is a Swedish American with strongest roots in Malmö. She is currently 24 years old and first found the local hackerspace, <a href="https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forskningsavdelningen">Forskningsavdelningen</a>, 10 years ago via the syndicalist and autonomous movement. </p> <p>At a hackathon in 2010 she was connected to the FabLab network and soon went to <a href="https://fablabbcn.org/">Barcelona FabLab</a> for an internship. This sparked a long relation to the <a href="https://www.fablabs.io/">FabLab movement</a> during which she attended Fab Academy in <a href="https://www.fablabwgtn.co.nz/">Wellington New Zealand</a> where she developed <a href="http://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/as/students/fiscella.zenna/">digitally fabricatable sex toys</a>. </p> <p>Back in Sweden she was invited to start a lab at Lund University named <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ProLabArena/?hc_ref=ARTvSfbSqGkUCy9MvUKH1nH4D6JeawZVnN29Xtsf_rGgQC4FCniirR9jtjQdTJzqXyc&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARAs699aPUOtssOcZ1vlJNAMq0axF5uRoGZlMHaQVYSKkzvYbZuumRC-OWDqiFXsUQOsyHce-htbIw-MB7bbeJLbyhlLr1diL2jB0IR9n9eKN86ShikeUUd0wJ1gi-CEnIiaDbCc5ByOTE6d3S_QtWUOsRZuUYypRUNobQkCEJEpBewknlek&__tn__=kC-R">ProLab</a>. While organizing ProLab in a sociocratic manner she also initiated the Nordic Fablab Funding Network and wrote the first application which was accepted by the Nordic Culture Fund resulting in a collaborative project called <a href="https://www.fabcraft.org/">FabCraft</a> between five nations and 10 labs. </p> <p>Currently she is on the council and a grant writer for <a href="www.scuttlebutt.nz">Scuttlebutt</a>, working to further the decentralized and P2P internet, on the board for <a href="www.makersofsweden.se">Makers of Sweden</a> and studying as a <a href="http://kaospilot.dk/">KaosPilot</a> in Aarhus, Denmark. </p>