Em O'Sullivan

Former hackerspace and Maker Faire organiser. Current PhD student researching ways to improve women and non-binary people's engagement with technology via makerspaces. Based in Brighton, UK.


35th Chaos Communication Congress
Ethics, Society & Politics
Research blog

I joined my local hackerspace, Build Brighton, in 2011 through an interest in programming and electronics, and became a trustee in 2012. Over the next three years I continued in a trustee role at Build Brighton, worked as a producer on the annual Brighton Mini Maker Faire, and visited other hacker/makerspaces and Maker Faires all over the UK. In 2016, after noticing a lack of women in the software development industry I was working in and seeing this reflected in the maker community I was a part of, I started a PhD at University College London to investigate ways of improving women and non-binary people’s relationships with technology via the maker movement. My work has been published in the Journal of Peer Production and exhibited at the Tate Modern in London, and I've spoken about makerspaces and inclusivity at the previous two Electromagnetic Field hackercamps in the UK. Other interests include roller derby, cats, and Eurovision.


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